Player details - L/Cpl. D. Mitchell

General informations

  • Total kill number: 2
  • Total death number: 7
  • Number of player team killed: 0
  • Number of team kill suffered: 0
  • Ratio kill/death : 0.29
  • Most effective weapon: G38


  • First seen: 2024-04-18
  • Number of missions played: 7
  • Public TvT missions: 4
  • Official TvT missions: 3
  • Small TvT missions: 0
  • PvE missions: 0


Name Date Role Side Shots Kills Death TK
Greenland Gambit 2025-02-13 USMC AutoRifleman - M27 EAST 192 0 1 0
Battle of Caen 2024-06-07 Rifleman- Mk4 EAST 0 0 1 0
[Flashpoint Poland] M03 2024-05-16 German Rifleman LAT - G38 WEST 6 0 1 0
Operation Yulakia 2024-05-13 Yulakia Medic - AR10 WEST 0 1 2 0
[Flashpoint Poland] M02 2024-05-03 German Medic - G38 WEST 8 1 1 0
Guerra Do Ultramar 2 2024-04-25 MPLA AT Assist - AK47 EAST 79 0 0 0
[Flashpoint Poland] M01 2024-04-18 German Rifleman LAT - G38 WEST 164 0 1 0

TOP 5 weapons

Weapon Kills
G38 1
AR-10 Portuguese Carbine (OD) 1

TOP 5 Killers

Killers Kills
Mrwhite350 1
Lollo 1
Swolla 1
Kremit 1

TOP 5 Victim

Killers Kills %
Rikysav 1 50 %