Player details - [FAWR] Neyrox

General informations

  • Total kill number: 0
  • Total death number: 0
  • Number of player team killed: 0
  • Number of team kill suffered: 0
  • Ratio kill/death : Not available
  • Most effective weapon: None


  • First seen: 2022-03-10
  • Number of missions played: 2
  • Public TvT missions: 0
  • Official TvT missions: 2
  • Small TvT missions: 0
  • PvE missions: 0


Name Date Role Side Shots Kills Death TK
[Grey zone] M04 - La Luna 2022-03-24 N/A WEST N/A 0 0 0
[Grey zone] M03 - National Acrobat 2022-03-10 N/A WEST N/A 0 0 0

TOP 5 weapons

Weapon Kills

TOP 5 Killers

Killers Kills

TOP 5 Victim

Killers Kills %